Category Archives: Release

They Will Not Return: 22nd place

The IFComp results have just been posted, and my entry, They Will Not Return, placed 22nd out of 77 entries. This is slightly lower than my entry last year, but this year’s field was very competitive and I’m still very … Continue reading

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They Will Not Return: IFComp release

My latest game, They Will Not Return, is now online! It is a sad tale of lonely robots in the post-apocalypse. They Will Not Return is my entry into the IFComp (Interactive Fiction Competition), so can be played at the … Continue reading

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Seedship 1.2.0: New random events

I’ve just released version 1.2.0 of Seedship. This version adds 10 new random travel events, bringing the total number of events in the game up to 30. Most of the new events are rare, so you’re unlikely to see them … Continue reading

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Seedship: iOS app

Here it is at last: the iOS version of Seedship! I had hoped to do this soon after I released the Android version. It proved to be more complicated than I expected so there was a bit of a delay, … Continue reading

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Seedship: dark-on-light colour scheme

I’ve updated the web version of Seedship ( with an optional alternative dark-on-light colour scheme. I’m hoping it’ll make the game more accessible for people who find the default colour scheme hard to read. You can toggle it with a … Continue reading

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Industrial Accident: Release

On November 1st I challenged myself to develop and release a Twine game in a month. Today’s the last day of November and I’ve done it. My latest game,Industrial Accident, is now live. This game is shorter than either Seedship … Continue reading

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Rage Quest: 19th place!

The IFComp results have just been released, and Rage Quest: Disciple of Peace placed 19th out of 79 games. I’m very happy with that result, especially considering this is my first game of this kind and my first IFComp entry. … Continue reading

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Seedship: Android app

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on creating an app version of Seedship, and today I’ve released it on the Google Play store! The game content is the same as in the web version. There are a … Continue reading

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Rage Quest: IFComp release

Rage Quest: Disciple of Peace is now online! When Valtash the War God created orcs he gave them an inner rage that constantly urged them towards violence. A few orcs learned to use meditation to control this rage, and founded … Continue reading

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Seedship: Launch

And here it is,  my first game: Seedship! Seedship is a text-based game about controlling a ship full of frozen colonists and trying to find the best planet to be the new home of the human race. It’s based heavily … Continue reading

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