Monthly Archives: January 2018

Seedship: iOS app

Here it is at last: the iOS version of Seedship! I had hoped to do this soon after I released the Android version. It proved to be more complicated than I expected so there was a bit of a delay, … Continue reading

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BtCG: Approaching the Gate

The new year is two weeks old, and I’ve begun work in earnest on my next game, Beyond the Chiron Gate. As I mentioned in my yearly retrospective post, Beyond the Chiron Gate will be a space exploration game in … Continue reading

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Seedship: dark-on-light colour scheme

I’ve updated the web version of Seedship ( with an optional alternative dark-on-light colour scheme. I’m hoping it’ll make the game more accessible for people who find the default colour scheme hard to read. You can toggle it with a … Continue reading

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