Category Archives: Dev Diary

Empire and Legacy: September 2024

Empire and Legacy continues its progress from a disparate set of random events to a coherent game. This month I’ve been finalizing the stats I’m using to model the Galactic Empire. Factions There are seven bars that are always visible … Continue reading

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Empire and Legacy: August 2024

This month I’ve been working on the overall structure of Empire and Legacy. E&L is essentially a series of random events. My original design was to have a single list of events, each of which had some code to evaluate … Continue reading

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Empire and Legacy: July 2024

Work continues on Empire and Legacy. I’ve written a bunch of placeholder text this month…but more excitingly, we now have cover art: This is by Tom Morley, the same artist who did the Beyond the Chiron Gate cover art. I’ve also … Continue reading

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Empire and Legacy: June 2024

I’m continuing to write the content for Empire and Legacy. Here are some of the events I’ve written this month. I decided I wanted the Empire to start losing territory early in the game, so I’ve added this event that … Continue reading

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Empire and Legacy: May 2024

This month has partly been taken up by the Chiron Gate Steam release, but I’ve also been working on the ‘Legacy’ part of Empire and Legacy. You’ll play through the game as the ruler of the Galactic Empire. Once your emperor’s … Continue reading

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Empire and Legacy: April 2024

Apologies for the long silence. Yes, I’m still working on the space empire game. Other things have taken up my time, and when I have been able to work on the game I’ve found myself creatively blocked, so I decided … Continue reading

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Empire and Legacy: August 2023

Empire and Legacy will put you in charge of a declining Galactic Empire. But what empire, exactly? There are various ways that galactic empires have been depicted in fiction, from the relatively benign one of Foundation, to the hotbed of … Continue reading

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Empire and Legacy: July 2023

This month I’ve been working on the content for Empire and Legacy. Here’s one of the events I’ve written: Here’s the text of the event, since Patreon doesn’t give me a way to add alt text for images: GOLADRION PRIME: … Continue reading

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Empire and Legacy: June 2023

After a bunch of false starts, overcomplicated prototypes, and other things preventing me from working on it, I’ve finally made enough of a start on my next game that I’ve got something to show. Empire and Legacy will be a … Continue reading

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Next game: Empire and Legacy

Now that Chiron Gate is out and I’ve fixed the urgent bugs, I’ve started working on a new game. The working title is Empire and Legacy. I’m a fan of strategy games where you control a nation or civilization. Beyond … Continue reading

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