Author Archives: John

Seedship: Launch

And here it is,  my first game: Seedship! Seedship is a text-based game about controlling a ship full of frozen colonists and trying to find the best planet to be the new home of the human race. It’s based heavily … Continue reading

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Seedship: The Perils of Space

Seedship’s development has taken longer than I’d initially planned, both because it turned out to be a larger project than I’d anticipated and because real life things have gotten in the way. I’m nearly done, though, and I’m planning to … Continue reading

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Seedship: Planet Profiles

The core mechanic of Seedship is the game presenting the player with a randomly generated planet, and the player choosing whether to colonise it or move on to the next one–a sort of Tinder of space colonisation. Perhaps the most … Continue reading

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Seedship: Screenshot 1

Founding a colony in Seedship. The text is generated based on the planet’s attributes, the ship’s system status, and random factors, so it will be different for each game. This planet is mediocre and the colony is not going so … Continue reading

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Seedship: Screenshot 2

A random travel event in Seedship.

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Seedship: The Voyage Begins

Seedship‘s development could be used as a cautionary tale in not letting the scope of a project get too large. I started working on the first version of what would become Seedship several years ago, as a personal side-project while … Continue reading

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