Author Archives: John

Seedship: autosave

I’ve just updated Seedship again, this time to add an autosave feature. (So now you can save the human race even if you close the browser window.) Like the mobile formatting, this is something I did for Rage Quest and … Continue reading

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I’ve levelled up my CSS skills since writing Seedship, so after finishing Rage Quest I decided to use some time between projects to go back and improve my first game’s formatting. I’ve just launched the updated version. Before: After: Previously, … Continue reading

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Rage Quest: IFComp release

Rage Quest: Disciple of Peace is now online! When Valtash the War God created orcs he gave them an inner rage that constantly urged them towards violence. A few orcs learned to use meditation to control this rage, and founded … Continue reading

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Rage Quest: Submitted!

Yesterday I finished my final proofread of Rage Quest: Disciple of Peace and submitted what I consider to be the finished version to the IFComp site! It’ll become available with the other IFComp games on 1 October. When the competition … Continue reading

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Rage Quest: Cover and progress report

Behold: the cover of Rage Quest: Disciple of Peace! This image won’t appear in the game itself, but will appear in the list of games on the IFComp website, and then on my own website when I move the game … Continue reading

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The Voice of Vengeance: IFComp and CSS

The Voice of Vengeance now has a new, firm, release date: 1 October. This is because I’m planning to enter it into this year’s IFComp. The IFComp is an annual competition for new works of interactive fiction. Authors submit previously-unpublished … Continue reading

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The Voice of Vengeance: Progress report

Development of the Orc Monk Game is continuing. Right now I have a rough map of the overall structure and about 12,000 words of first-draft text. The finished story will probably have about 20,000 words of text, of which you’ll … Continue reading

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New website

I’ve made a new website to host my Twine games, so they’ll no longer be at the mercy of other hosting sites going down, and also to be my central web presence to link to my works and social media … Continue reading

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I made a Twitter bot: Space Overlord

Not a Twine game, but something I thought you might be interested in… Writing Seedship got me interested in procedurally generated text, and the other day I stumbled on Tracery, which is a simple procedural text generation tool. It powers … Continue reading

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Next project: “Untitled Orc Monk Game”

Thank you all for your support, both those of you who were with me from the start and those of you who joined me after Seedship! My first game had a successful launch, and I’ve been really gratified seeing what … Continue reading

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