Seedship Android version update

I’ve updated the Android version of Seedship to version 1.3.7, which updates the app to Android  12. Google is going to be removing apps aimed at older versions of  Android from the store at the end of the month, so if I hadn’t updated the app it would have vanished. Now it’s updated, it should be good for the next few years.

Unfortunately, this update may cause you to lose your high scores and in-progress  game. The tool I used to convert the web page into a phone app has been  discontinued, so for this update I had to switch to a new one (the same one I’ve been using for Beyond the Chiron Gate), but an unfortunate side-effect of this is that the new app can’t see any data saved by the  old app. Sorry about this. If your scores are important to you, you can save individual ones by going to the score page, clicking the “share” link, and saving the link code.

There’s no new content, besides an in-app privacy policy which is another new Google requirement.

Store page:

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