Beyond the Chiron Gate: one month retrospective

Beyond the Chiron Gate

Hi Patrons!

Beyond the Chiron Gate has been out for nearly a month now.

The launch went smoothly. There were some bugs, but no really serious ones–things like text not displaying properly or slightly illogical combinations of traits spawning, but nothing that caused the game to become unplayable. I’ve been doing bug fix updates roughly weekly to fix the bugs that I was aware of.

Reception so far has been positive. I had been worried that people would consider $10 too expensive for a text-based game, but I’ve seen several comments that it’s worth the price. So far my impression is that most buyers have been people who enjoyed Seedship and wanted to check out the spiritual successor. That’s what I was going for, but I hope I can reach beyond the Seedship audience eventually.

There were a lot of comments requesting phone app versions, so I made that a priority, and got the app versions out a couple of weeks after the desktop launch. In the future, when I release paid games I’ll plan to release the phone app version at the same time as the desktop one.

So what’s next?

Well, in between launching the mobile versions and bug fix updates, I’ve been making notes about my next game. I’ll make a dev blog about that when I have a clear idea of what it’ll be. In the meantime, thanks again for your support, and I hope you’re enjoying Chiron Gate.

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