Beyond the Chiron Gate: Launch!

Beyond the Chiron Gate

Beyond the Chiron Gate is now live!

All current patrons should have got a Patreon message with link to download the game. You’ll need to log into your account, or make an account if you don’t have one. Once you use the link, your copy of the game will be linked to your account, and you’ll be able to download it. If you were charged for this post but don’t have a message with a download link, let me know.

Looking back

Thank you to everyone who’s supported and encouraged me during the development of this game. I started working it in early 2018, fresh off the surprise success of Seedship. The concept was to make a game that would appeal to the same players as Seedship, but be significantly larger.

Beyond the Chiron Gate is by far the biggest solo creative project I’ve ever attempted. Along the way I’ve picked up a lot of skills, not only about how to make Twine do things that Twine wasn’t really designed to do, but also about how to tackle a project of this size. I may create games of this size again, but those will have the benefit of what I’ve learned from this one: I doubt I’ll ever take on another project where I start out this out of my depth.

What’s next?

Over the next few days or weeks, if necessary (and who am I kidding, of course it will be necessary), I’ll release one or more bug fix updates.

Some time after that, if Beyond the Chiron Gate proves to be popular, I’ll create one or more content updates. The game already has a lot of content, but there’s plenty of room to add more events and things to discover.

At the same time, I’ll also look into creating the Android and iOS app versions of the game. I’m not absolutely promising that these will happen, as there might be some unforeseen problem, but hopefully I can use the same method I used for Seedship to convert the game into an app. Once the phone app versions happen, I’ll release any future content updates to the desktop and phone versions simultaneously.

And while I’m doing all that…I’ll start thinking about my next game. When I started this Patreon I intended to release small, free Twine games every few months. Beyond the Chiron Gate kind of overwhelmed that, and the Patreon mostly came to be a place for Chiron Gate dev blogs, but I haven’t forgotten my original idea. I think I need to take a break and clear my head before I decide what my next project will be, but once I start working on something concrete, I’ll let you know.

For now, thank you again for your support, and I hope you enjoy the universe beyond the Chiron Gate.

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