Beyond the Chiron Gate: April 2022

Beyond the Chiron Gate

I’ve spent this month fixing bugs and making balancing changes based on the feedback I’ve received on the Discord or by email. Thank you again to everyone who’s given me feedback.

The biggest change I’ve made this month is to remove the tutorial and replace it with a static “How to Play” page accessible from the title screen and the settings view. I found that a text-based tutorial in a text-based game was harming the experience, because a first-time player would be splitting their attention between reading the game text and the tutorial text, and wouldn’t be able to get immersed in the game text as intended. I was pleased with the technical work I’d put in to the context-sensitive tutorial boxes, but in this case the simpler solution was better.

Apart from that, changes include:

  • Added a few more discoverable traits, mostly to share space with ones that were cropping up too often
  • Changed how stars are generated to better match actual science
  • Improved some description text
  • Fixed a whole lot of bugs and typos

The game is now essentially the game I want to launch. I didn’t quite get it done for April, but you can expect it in early May.

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