Beyond the Chiron Gate: July 2021

Most of my work on the game this month has been writing the text of events I added with placeholder text last month. Here’s a sample:

I’ve also made notifications for explorers gaining traits into inline highlighted text you can mouse-over, like I did with data gain last month.

I’ve also spent a fun couple of hours going through to find unique icons for all the different ship upgrades and damage types.

I think the game is currently in pretty much its final form, but with more content I’d like to add and with a bunch of annoying but not game-breaking bugs. The rest of development will mostly be adding more content, fixing bugs, and making sure the game is properly balanced.

Thank you to everyone who signed up to playtest the game! Everyone who emailed me should have received an email with instructions and a copy of the game. If you didn’t sign up but want to, there’s still time to email If you signed up but didn’t get the email, let me know.

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