Seedship: The Desktop App

I’ve just created downloadable app versions of Seedship for Windows and Mac. You can get them from the page.

I made these using the new Twine App Builder tool by Lazerwalker, which takes a Twine game (or any HTML game, but it was designed for Twine) and spits out standalone Windows and Mac applications using Electron. I’m thinking I’ll use this tool to create the release versions of Beyond the Chiron Gate, but I wanted to test it out first, so I used Seedship.

You may have to click through a scary “untrusted publisher” warning when installing the game. The way to become a trusted publisher is to pay Microsoft or Apple for a developer certificate, which I might do when I release Chiron Gate but haven’t yet. Also the version number of the app is 1.0.0, but it does contain Seedship version 1.3.6.

The online version of Seedship and the mobile versions are unchanged.

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