Seedship bug fix update 1.3.3

I’ve just released an update to Seedship that fixes a few bugs. The web version is live now; I’ll upload the Android and iOS versions within the next few days.


  • Fixed several typos.
  • Alien Mining Drones no longer destroy 2 surface probes when the text says they destroy 1.
  • Planet-spanning civilisations now correctly reduce Construction phase deaths based on their tech level.
  • The dictator from the Dictator event will no longer vanish without a mention if you settle a planet with a planet-spanning civ. Instead they will slightly damage initial human-alien relations.
  • When settling a planet with a planet-spanning civ, it will no longer say parts of the cultural database are missing when you have exactly 100%.

Unless more bugs come to light, this is probably going to be the last Seedship update for some time. I don’t have any good ideas for new content updates right now, and I think always having the next Seedship update in the back of my mind has been making it harder to concentrate on new projects. I think it’s time for me to to declare Seedship finished so that I can focus on Beyond the Chiron Gate and other new games.

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