Seedship planet name suggestions?

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who submitted names! I’ve added my favourite names to version 1.3.0, and I’m no longer seeking suggestions. If I used your suggestion, your name is in the credits of version 1.3.0.

I’m currently working on an update to Seedship (version 1.3.0), which I’m planning to release before Christmas. One minor feature I’d like to add is some new random planet names. I have some ideas of my own, but I thought I’d also ask if anyone has any suggestions. (The option to manually re-name your planet when you land will stay in the game.)

Your name in the credits if I use your suggestion! 

For reference, the current planet names are:

All green attributes: Eden, Paradise, Terra Nova, New Earth

Hot/very hot: Inferno

Cold/very cold: Arctica

High/very high gravity and no planet-wide ocean: Cueball

Low/very low gravity and no planet-wide ocean: Crag

Planet-wide ocean: Atlantis, Oceanus

Ice-covered surface: Snowball, Iceball

No/trace water: Arid, Desert

Rich resources: Bounty, El Dorado

Any plant life: Garden, Arcadia

Any caves: Warren, Honeycomb

Any planet (intended as a fallback if it can’t think of a name): This World

Edited to add: names don’t have to fit into these categories, I can add new categories fairly easily.

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