Monthly Archives: November 2018

Seedship planet name suggestions?

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who submitted names! I’ve added my favourite names to version 1.3.0, and I’m no longer seeking suggestions. If I used your suggestion, your name is in the credits of version 1.3.0. I’m currently working on … Continue reading

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Seedship modding policy

Some people have expressed an interest in making their own mods for Seedship, so I think it’s time to officially state my policy on modding and put out some guidelines: Tags Modding Seedship

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They Will Not Return: 22nd place

The IFComp results have just been posted, and my entry, They Will Not Return, placed 22nd out of 77 entries. This is slightly lower than my entry last year, but this year’s field was very competitive and I’m still very … Continue reading

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