Chiron Gate progress

Yes, I’m still here! I haven’t much time to work on my Twine games in the last few months, and when I have been able to work on them I’ve found it frustratingly hard to make progress, which is why I haven’t posted an update for a while. But this is why I made this Patreon per game rather than per month: if I don’t have time to work much or don’t make any progress in a particular month, I won’t charge you for it.

I’ve spent most of my Twine development time since the last update working on prototypes for Beyond the Chiron Gate. I’ve not been making the game so much as working out exactly what game I want to make, writing and rewriting code for a lot of different mechanics and trying to determine what’s fun. I think I might have learned enough from this process for now, though, so as of this week I’m concentrating on writing a proper design document for the full game. That’s probably going to take a while, but once that’s done the whole overall shape of the project should be clear, and the implementation will hopefully go smoothly.

As well as Chiron Gate, I’m beginning design work on a more narrative CYOA-style game to enter into this year’s IFComp. The title is They Will Not Return: A Post-Apocalyptic Robot Love Story. If all goes as planned, it’ll be released on October 1 along with this year’s other IFComp entries. I’m hoping that switching between these two projects will help me stay energised on both of them.

Thank you for your patience, and have a good summer!

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