Seedship 1.2.0: New random events

I’ve just released version 1.2.0 of Seedship. This version adds 10 new random travel events, bringing the total number of events in the game up to 30. Most of the new events are rare, so you’re unlikely to see them all in a single playthrough.

Play Seedship v1.2.0

You can play the new version online at my website, or at,, or The Android version and iOS version are both live.

I’ve also made a few other improvements. Here are the full release notes:

  • 10 new random events
  • Added direct link share button
  • Added number of planets visited to high score details page (will not appear for scores saved before version 1.2.0)
  • Added share links to high score details page
  • Increased the number of high scores that can be saved to from 100 to 1000
  • Planet names with spaces no longer break the share function on the mobile version
  • Fixed some capitalisation and wording inconsistencies
  • Added new backers to credits page
  • Made some under-the-hood improvements that will make it easier to maintain and update the game in future

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Seedship! I wouldn’t be adding new content to it if it wasn’t for the interest it had received.

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