March plans: Chiron Gate and more Seedship

So, I didn’t manage to produce anything for the Movie Game Jam I mentioned in my last update. I made a start, but I realised that doing my idea justice would take longer than the week and a half the game jam allowed. I didn’t want to release something rushed or incomplete, so I’m putting The Signal on the back burner for the moment. My plan is for a contemplative, introspective piece of interactive fiction, maybe with some cerebral puzzles. I’m considering making it later in the year as my IFComp entry.

I didn’t have as much time to work as I’d like in February due to travelling, but I’ve made some more progress on Beyond the Chiron Gate. Now I’ve got some of the basic systems in place I’ve been working on creating a very simple, stripped-down prototype that’s playable as a game, which I’ll then gradually expand into the full game.

My plan for March is to split my time between Beyond the Chiron Gate and a new set of random events for Seedship. I’d originally intended to launch Seedship and move on to new projects, but it’s somehow acquired a fanbase that want to see new content, so I’m going to start treating it as something to regularly add to rather than something that’s finished. I’ve spent today working on the codebase to make it easier to maintain (including re-integrating the web and mobile codebases so I no longer have to make every change twice!), and I’ve made plans for six new events. I’m hoping to release an update of about 10 new events by the end of this month, and then to think about how I can keep adding to Seedship regularly while also working on new projects.

Thank you for your continued support, and expect more Seedship soon!

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