Monthly Archives: March 2018

What happened with Seedship in March

At the start of March I set out to write a new set of 10 random events for Seedship, release them along with a few minor improvements, and then move on to Beyond the Chiron Gate. I’d originally hoped to … Continue reading

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Seedship: Lag fixed

I’ve just launched version 1.2.3 of Seedship which should fix the lag issue that people have been having. The update is live on the web and the Android store, and the iOS version is awaiting approval so it’ll probably be … Continue reading

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Seedship 1.2.0: New random events

I’ve just released version 1.2.0 of Seedship. This version adds 10 new random travel events, bringing the total number of events in the game up to 30. Most of the new events are rare, so you’re unlikely to see them … Continue reading

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March plans: Chiron Gate and more Seedship

So, I didn’t manage to produce anything for the Movie Game Jam I mentioned in my last update. I made a start, but I realised that doing my idea justice would take longer than the week and a half the … Continue reading

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