Industrial Accident: Release

On November 1st I challenged myself to develop and release a Twine game in a month. Today’s the last day of November and I’ve done it. My latest game,Industrial Accident, is now live.

This game is shorter than either Seedship or Rage Quest. Expect a playthrough to take about 10 minutes. It’s also more linear–it does respond to player choice, but the overall path through the game doesn’t change. 

This is my first game to include sound effects and graphical icons (to toggle the sound effects on and off). (If you can’t or don’t want to play with sound, don’t worry, the sound effects are just cosmetic and all the actual information is in the text.)

This short game was a sort of palette cleanser for me between larger projects. For my next project I’m planning something bigger. I’ll probably take care of some miscellaneous tasks first and start development in earnest in the new year.

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