Next project: Robot Rampage!

Since finishing Rage Quest, I’ve spent my time working on the Seedship Android app and other odd tasks, but it’s about time I started another Twine project. I’ve been working on a couple of ideas for large projects, but the ideas aren’t fully formed yet, and I think it might be good for me to write a smaller game before I take one of them on.

It’s also 1st November (at least on the West Coast, for the next few minutes), and a lot of people I know are starting NaNoWriMo. I’ve done NaNoWriMo in the past, including writing the first draft of my novel that would later be published. I’m probably never going to do a “proper” NaNoWriMo again, as I think I’m no longer in the right place as a writer to benefit from it. But it got me wondering if I could write a decent short Twine game in a month…

So I’ve decided I’ll try to do that for my next project. So far all I have is a title (Robot Rampage!) and a vague concept (the player is a robot, who goes on a rampage). (OK, there’s a little more to my idea than that, but all the details are still to be worked out.) It’ll be a choose-your-own-adventure game like Rage Quest, with stat tracking and multiple endings, short enough to play through in one sitting but with enough replayability to make multiple playthroughs worthwhile.

My goal is to design, develop, test, and launch the game in a month, releasing it at the end of November. (Although if I fall behind, I’ll delay launch until it’s polished rather than launch an unpolished game.)

My next project after Robot Rampage will be something bigger, and more like Seedship, with lots of randomness and emergent narrative.

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