Monthly Archives: October 2017

Seedship: Android app

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on creating an app version of Seedship, and today I’ve released it on the Google Play store! The game content is the same as in the web version. There are a … Continue reading

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Seedship: autosave

I’ve just updated Seedship again, this time to add an autosave feature. (So now you can save the human race even if you close the browser window.) Like the mobile formatting, this is something I did for Rage Quest and … Continue reading

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I’ve levelled up my CSS skills since writing Seedship, so after finishing Rage Quest I decided to use some time between projects to go back and improve my first game’s formatting. I’ve just launched the updated version. Before: After: Previously, … Continue reading

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Rage Quest: IFComp release

Rage Quest: Disciple of Peace is now online! When Valtash the War God created orcs he gave them an inner rage that constantly urged them towards violence. A few orcs learned to use meditation to control this rage, and founded … Continue reading

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