The Voice of Vengeance: IFComp and CSS

The Voice of Vengeance now has a new, firm, release date: 1 October.

This is because I’m planning to enter it into this year’s IFComp. The IFComp is an annual competition for new works of interactive fiction. Authors submit previously-unpublished works to the competition, and they’re all made available to the public at once on 1 October. Judging is done by members of the public (anyone can register to be a judge), and the results are announced in mid-November. (If you decide to be a judge, please don’t give The Voice of Vengeance any special treatment just because you’re one of my patrons–I want it to be judged fairly.)

My work on the game is going well. I now have a complete first draft of the text (about 20,000 words, although that includes Twine code so the actual number of readable words will be a few hundred words smaller). I’ve spent the last week stepping back from the text in order approach it fresh for revisions. I’ve spent some of that week working on a non-IF project, and some of it writing CSS to make The Voice of Vengeance look good. I’m more practised at CSS and website design now than I was when I started writing Twine games, so The Voice of Vengeance will look a bit fancier than Seedship (whose appearance was a lightly-customised version of the Sugarcube story format’s default). I’ve attached an image of what the story will look like.

But I’ve come to realise that tweaking the CSS easily turns into procrastination, so it’s time to get back to working on the text…

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