The Voice of Vengeance: Progress report

Development of the Orc Monk Game is continuing. Right now I have a rough map of the overall structure and about 12,000 words of first-draft text. The finished story will probably have about 20,000 words of text, of which you’ll get maybe 5,000-10,000 in a single playthrough.

I’ve also got a new working title: The Voice of Vengeance.

The title is meant to be reminiscent of the titles of the Lone Wolf gamebooks, which almost all have the same NOUN something NOUN rhythm (Flight from the Dark, Fire on the Water, The Caverns of Kalte, The Chasm of Doom, etc.). Alliteration adds to the pulpy feel. The voice of the title is the voice of the orc war god urging you to take revenge on the humans who destroyed your home–a voice that you can choose to listen to or resist.

 haven’t been able to spend as much time on game development as I’d like over the last couple of months, but I should be able to spend more time on it for the rest of the summer, so development of this game should speed up. I’m not promising anything, but I’m hoping to launch this game by the end of July.

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