Seedship: The Perils of Space

Seedship’s development has taken longer than I’d initially planned, both because it turned out to be a larger project than I’d anticipated and because real life things have gotten in the way. I’m nearly done, though, and I’m planning to launch by the end of March.

Since finishing the planet generation, the main thing I’ve worked on has been adding new travel events. Whenever the seedship moves on to a planet, you get a random event, which usually damages one of the ship’s systems.

Coming up with enough random events has been a challenge. I’m aiming for a fairly hard-science game, which means all the events have to be things that could really happen. The common events are things like encounters with rogue asteroids or cosmic dust clouds. There are aliens, but they appear only in rare events, and encounters with them are fleeting. The impression should be that the universe is sparsely populated and most of its hazards are natural.

I’m now planning to release Seedship around the end of March.

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